The Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji appeared in 2010, and now is mainly known as the Blushing Emoji, but also may be reffered as the. This changed in early 2021 with the rollout of Android 11 to LG Velvet devices, reviving and expanding the LG emoji set to include support for up to 2019's Emoji 12.0 recommendations. However, LG phones sold from 2017 between and early 2021 used the stock Android emoji set from Google. Blushing Emoji has a strong a positive connotation. Prior to 2016 all LG devices carried LG’s own emoji designs.
The plus sign at the end of LGBTQIA+ can include members of other communities, including allies - people who support and rally the LGBTQIA+ cause even though they don’t identify within the community itself. This happy emoji with smiling eyes and smile on the face with red cheeks shows that your are really happy, or simply denote happiness or positivity.